Tuesday 24 April 2007

Thank You Very Much, Mr. Branson

I got a call yesterday. One of those long pause, I-know-you're-really-a-computer calls, on which I usually wait for the first line of 'Hello Ms. Smith, can I offer you...' and silently hang up. However, today I held off just that little longer. Long enough to discover the man on the other end of my phone was a call I had rather been expecting, or at least hoping for.

Late last year NTL(hell) was taken over by Virgin Media. At first I almost had a heart attack because, not watching telly or reading the news much, I didn't know. So, when I got a bill through the door from Virgin, I thought I must have accidentally signed up for something additional. 

They had sent me an information brochure but, like everything that looks like junk mail and doesn't have the return address of my bank on the back, it tends to go straight in the recycling bin.

But, yes, I was always a bit pissed off at NTL because they charged me £29.99 a month just for broadband and a telephone line! This was over four times the cost of any calls I could possibly make. How can one internet and one landline connection possibly cost that much, when I spend a maximum of about £6 a month on calls, if that?

When the switch was made, I was really hoping for something a little better. The automated phone line got a bit more annoying with this gravely-voiced speed freak sounding woman talking you through what to press, but at least paying over the phone's become easier.

Aaanyway, back to this nice young man. He phoned to tell me that they were knocking £5 off my bill :) Hurrah, said I. Still a bit over-priced maybe, but £5 less so. I'm happy. Although he did end the call with a rather twee 'have a drink on Richard.'


Believe me, if I was having a drink on Richard, I’d probably buy half a dozen bars in the West Indies, and a small malt island off the North of Scotland.

But, it just goes to show, sometimes hanging up on nuisance callers isn't always the right thing to do. 

Won't stop me though ;)

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