Wednesday 8 April 2009

Feeling Fragile
Moto Drivers - We Salute You!


Bit out of sorts today.

I had the most dreadful night's sleep last night. No idea why, just could not sleep at all. Neighbours were extremely quiet today but I still woke up early.

Dozed for a bit longer then went to see the doctor for a check-up. The foot is coming along very nicely, though I still can't walk on it properly yet. But then, instead of just re-dressing it, he got out the scissors and tweezers and started cutting away the dead skin.

It's still extremely sensitive and it hurt. I winced and he said 'it is not painful' - I think he thinks I'm over-reacting, but it was very sore and eventually he stopped.

I just felt incredibly emotional about it. The past couple of times I've gone in expecting pain and he's just looked at it and bandaged it up again. This time I didn't expect any pain and he scraped away at it. I was very close to tears when I left. I think it's just the constant pain it causes. It's fine so long as you leave it alone and don't touch it.

I walked around the corner to Karibu, dreaming of their special mélange as I hadn't eaten much the day before. Got there - no mélange.

I came even closer to tears. You know when you just feel very sensitive about the world?

So, I hobbled out again and a lovely moto driver (I've had a string of them lately) agreed to take me down to UTC for FRW 200.

I had to do something to cheer myself up. I could feel my eyes brimming and nobody, and I mean nobody, cries here on genocide week over such a trivial little thing as a sore foot. A muzungu feeling sorry for herself in April - not the done thing.

So, I ordered milkshake. They didn't have any. I ordered a spinach and mushroom crepe. No spinach. Eventually I managed to get a mango smoothie and a ham and cheese crepe.

The food made me feel a lot better and I hobbled into Nakumat - my second indulgence - and bought some little chocolate biscuits I've discovered I rather like. They're about a pound a packet but they're very cheerful.

It was just starting to rain as I left. I got another really sweet moto guy home (sweet because he didn't argue the price and it was low: 700 when it's usually 800).

Now I'm home and I just still feel out of sorts. Not sure what's wrong. Could be lack of sleep but it was the weirdest night. I'm wondering if I'm about to come down with something really nasty. Very early stages of malaria, viral infection or something? Just hormonal (most likely answer)?

Thankfully my office is on half days all week so I'm just going to take it easy and look after myself. The DVD player is working, which is a blessing. Turns out I needed VLC Media Player, a free DVD decoder, as the copy of WinMedia or whatever I have can't play Western DVDs, only Asian or something like that.

I watched The Big Lebowski the other night. One of those titles I assumed I must have seen at one point but hadn't. It was very funny, really enjoyed it. The Dude kind of reminded me of my friend Gedge from back home, right down to the facial hair.

I'm also writing again. In a sudden flash of inspiration I'm combining two stories I started into one and have managed about 14,000 words in the past three days. That's about 17.5% of a novel. I'm fairly happy with it and given how many half-finished things I've written lately I'm going to stick with it until it's done this time. It's amazing how far through things I get before I decide they're crap. I discovered another one the other day that I started when I got here. Made it to over 27,000 before deciding it sucked and forgetting about it. On re-reading it, definitely better forgotten. The one on the witches is also up to 27,500 but I'm worried about it. Too ambitious perhaps; too many characters. Or maybe just lack of motivation.


No, I definitely don't feel 100% today. Will keep a close eye on myself. I thought I was off the antibiotics but this cream I have to use is antibiotic cream and apparently gets absorbed through the skin into the liver. Does anyone know if it's safe to drink on antibiotic cream? Oh well, bit late if not lol But that makes about three weeks on antibiotics of one sort or another.

D's in Kampala at the moment but sent me a mushy e-mail today. The kind of thing you'd usually just roll your eyes at but when you're feeling crappy is actually really nice and gives you a glowey feeling.

Right, back to work. Things to write (for work) and such. Nice being able to do it from the comfort of bed though.

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