Sunday 11 January 2009

Story of a Night Out

Kigali by Night

18:30 - "Hello lady, it's Saturday night, there's supposed to be loads of people in Kigali this weekend. What are you doing?"

Cathryn: "I'm at work at the moment but I'll be out later. I think Paula and Els are at Stella having a drink." 

"Okay, I'll let you know where we end up."

Paula: "Hey M." 

"Hey lady, I heard a vicious rumour you're in Stella drinking?" 

"Who told you that!" 

"You guys hanging around? I'll be there in 20 mins." 

"Sure, come on over."

Stella: Paula 'Curly' Rolston, Els lady, Sonya Irish and Mike Country Director quaffing away.

More quaffing continues to calls of 'Happy New Year!'

Fish brochettes are consumed.

Mike heads off, leaving a large enough contribution that our drinks and food cost barely anything.

"To Republika!"

Republika: drinking continues. 

I text B, who arrives an hour later.

...much more drinking... girly girl talks... laughter... somehow seem to be snogging B under the porch out back... Cathryn arrives and catches us, promptly texting J to tell him the good news... B paranoid members of the Indian community will see him... Me wondering why her glass is empty..."B, how old are you?"..."21"..."Oh jeezus!"... reaches for bottle.

Meanwhile: Paula, Els, Sonya = lightweights and quitters.

Cathryn: "To One Love!"

B, Me and Cathryn pile into taxi. I text David "Come boogie."

One Love: waragi, waragi, waragi, tonic.

Dance, dance, dance... hmmm, I appear to be sitting on my arse on the dance floor... "Oooh, thank you kind man for helping me up"... dance, boogie, boogie, dance.


Salsa salsa salsa salsa...

"Jesus, Mary, Mohammed and Vishnu - that can't be the time!"


B, looking slightly wrecked, makes for home.

"David, where's Cathryn?"

"Somewhere over there talking to a man."

Some final drinking later.

"David, where's Cathryn?"

"Somewhere over there talking to a man."

Crowd getting closer, crowd parting, two shapes sitting at chairs drawing near, one Cathryn, one...

"Hello," hand outstretched, shaking.

Hmmmm....why do you look vaguely familiar?

Cathryn removes man's hat to reveal... ~drum roll~


"Where the fluck have you been!?"

Uganda - don't answer that.

Cathryn reading 101 riot act on good parenting:

#1: Don't abandon your wife and kids.
#2: Don't abandon your wife and kids.
#3: Don't abandon your wife and kids.

Job done. Cathryn, keep reading and have another beer.

David - me, you, moto.

Aaaaah. Night well done. Bed by 5am.

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