Saturday 17 January 2009

Tell It To The Marines

Film Room at the American Embassy
(screen on wall to left)

Hooked up with Giudi, Anja and Ann last night. They're all working for a consulting company at the moment. Giudi used to live in Jo's house, now Anja does. Mweru's doing fine. Fat, not pregnant apparently.

We headed to the American Embassy as the Marines were hosting a movie night. Partly for the love of the big screen, and partly out of sheer curiosity, we thought it might be fun.

I'd been to the American Embassy once before to deliver a funding application (which, by the way, after all that toing-and-froing, they never even bloody replied to ;o/) and it was still as big as ever.

We made our way through security to the main building, where we were plied with free popcorn and I bought a beer. The screening was in a large room which I think is the canteen. Huge projector screen and sound system - loads of people, it was full. The advert went out in LooseLips and I think a lot of people were as curious as I was. The American Ambassador was there looking very American in blue suit with lacquered side-parting, in contrast to the crew-cut marines.

The film was Burn After Reading with George Clooney, Brad Pitt and Tilda Swinton (Orlando). It was pretty funny and there was unlimited popcorn.

After, we all headed to SoleLuna for scrummy pizza and red wine. Was lovely. Had a really decent natter about all things interesting.

Then Ann headed home and Giudi, Anja and I walked up the road to Chez Lando to meet up with Anja's partner, Coco, and his friends for a last drink before bed.

It was a lovely way to spend a Friday.

Today, I lounged in bed until mid-day, looked over the single parents' accounts and just flumped about the house really. Brought some pizza home with me :op

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