Saturday 16 June 2007


Oh dear, I’m sitting here in floods of tears! I've finally rented Brokeback Mountain. That bit at the end with the shirts.... :'o( It doesn't usually take much to get me blubbing, but that one certainly did the trick. Quite a good film that. Hell of a lot less violent than Boys Don't Cry, but in a similar vein. This was one of those few slow, meandering stories of life that really kept you with it all the way to the end. So sad.

*blows nose*

Perhaps my emotions are in slight hyperdrive at the moment having had about four-and-a-half hours sleep. Suki was missing her old stomping ground and had to go pick up some mail from her previous house (mail which we suspect she was sending to herself so that she would have an excuse ;) ). So, we went out for a few pints at PC's last night: Gedge, Gareth, Pete, Mark, Suki and myself. From there we headed on to Exit, and from there I’m not entirely sure what happened but it involved me falling into a vortex known as Gedgytime. He and I ended up back at his place drinking and eating potato chips with houmous.... until 7:30 in the morning :o/

When Linda left to go to work, I shared her taxi to the station, then home. It was a seriously surreal experience... I hit the sack about quarter-to eight (grateful for my black-out blinds) and slept for almost five hours. Woke feeling extremely fragile.

But yesterday was a very good day indeed! Let's just say I shifted some karma and, in the cryptic language of newspaper horoscopes: things came full-circle. Big up for my lucky panda-pants! It involved returning to a place I used to work, where things were left a little acrimoniously and some harsh words were had by all. I was a little nervous about returning, to be honest. But, for the sake of my dissertation, it was vital, and I’m so glad that I did. 

So much had changed there. The place looked really good - the blood stains had been scrubbed off the walls ;) But it was a healing experience, people were there that I hadn't seen in some time, and we got to reminiscing and laughing. It's funny when you worry about what someone thinks of you only to find that they're worrying about the exact same thing. It's a relief to clear the air and realise that you all actually like each other after all :op Aaaaanyway, enough cryptic ramblings. Suffice to say that, if I were American, I might say that I had found 'closure'. Huzah for old friends and new ventures. The world seems a sunnier place right now, even though it's p!ssing it down outside and I just heard thunder :oD

Off to Stratton-on-the-Foss in a couple of hours to spend the weekend with Dad, Marilyn 'n' Marj.

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