Thursday 17 July 2008


We're all okay. Alphonse, the vet, called around ten forty-five. I called Said, my taxi driver, and we went to collect them.

They were all fine, nicely tucked up in their baskets. Alphonse said the boys didn't even bleed, which is a good sign. He said the boys should be up and about in a couple of hours, but Sula will be out for a bit longer as she's under heavier anaesthetic. She needs to be kept separate for about a week in a safe room until her wound heals. I've turned the second spare room into a Sula sanctuary. The two boys are in the man room with me, all on nice soft chair cushions.

The boys have started to wake up a bit. Mao woke, was sick, tried to walk and fell over. I put him back on the cushion and he's asleep again. Shue's just tried to get up and the same thing happened, but he's refusing to rest. He’s staggering around with his tongue hanging out, looking for all the world like a zombie cat.

The boys can eat later, but Sula has to stay on liquids until tomorrow. I'll be feeding them nothing but prime cuts this week. They've been incredibly brave. Probably should have got them done a bit sooner. The younger the better apparently, but Kabibi and Mweru were done at almost a year old. I just really hope it doesn't change their characters too much.

But all safe and home now. Hopefully in a month or two it'll all be forgotten and they won't need to go back to Alphonse until next year when they need their rabies boosters, provided they don't go running in front of cars or eating poisoned mice between now and then.

Poor babies. Why do I never get this upset about people!?

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