Sunday 27 July 2008

Dishy Date

Oooooh ‘eck. Thought I was going to burst last night.

Cathryn’s parents fly home today so me, she, Judy and they, all headed to India Khazana where I ate my weight in food! It was utterly wonderful. We headed back to Stella for a last drink. Going to be sad to see them go, they’ve been lovely and I’ve not eaten so much in my life!

Anyway, just spent the morning down at the pool. I've got plenty of exercise to try and work off the disgusting amount of chocolate I've eaten recently (thanks Mum, Dad & Aunty Jean) - really have been on a binge, but did share with the guys at the Post Office, plus Martine and Rose.

It's been a glorious day today, nice and hot. Topped up my tan. It's been cold here recently, and overcast. Thankfully not much rain.

I'm quite excited today, though. There's a reggae music festival over near Gisozi tonight and Judy, possibly Cathryn, and some ex-VSOs are likely to be going. I'm not too sure where the venue is, so I've arranged to meet John-Marie at Pasadena, which is near where he lives. We're going together as he knows the way. I've got the thumbs-up from Jo and Pierre on this one lol He does have very beautiful eyes...

Anyway. I'm silly excited nervous. He's been a real gent so far, although he's a bit strapped for cash as he's a fresh graduate He's 25 - everyone I meet here is 25! Regis, D, John-Marie... He only started work two weeks ago so hasn't had his first pay cheque yet. Think I'll cope with that though, given the past four months *sigh* 

He's also an Accountant... nobody laugh ;) Young enough not to be boring yet! Apparently, in the UK, accountants have the most number of hidden body piercings of any other profession (can't remember where I read that) so they do have a 'fun' side :op Anyway, he works with Pierre at the national blood testing clinic. They go out collecting blood for transfusions, like in the UK, and their job is to test the blood for things like HIV, malaria etc. and make sure it's fit to use. Interesting stuff.

I'm very nervous. I've only met him twice: Thursday at salsa and Friday at cabaret/Cadillac. Both times we were with other people and it was all a bit lively and fuzzy. There may have been Mutzig involved! I don't really know him well enough to say whether there's potential there, I'm just going on looks right now lol We're meeting at six and going to head over there a bit early to check out the scene, see what's going on. Apparently it's starting at 3pm, but someone said there's going to be a load of speeches beforehand (they like that here) so decided to skip that bit.

I'm feeling well chilled out. Exercise gets me feeling all good and I just washed my hair with some amazing sampoo that my aunt sent out. There's a cold shower down at the pool, so I took full advantage, even shaved my legs! I think it's the first time my hair has been properly proper clean since Kampala. Smells luuuurvly. Also done my nails and need to decide what to wear. Can't make it a late night as I need to get some sleep for work tomorrow. Antonia cancelled her bash in Butare. Think she forgot it was umuganda (national community 'everything's closed' day) - hence I'm at home this weekend, but I've had a great one, and it's building up to the double whammy next weekend. It'll be wicked.


Wish me luck :op

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