Sunday 27 July 2008

Smitten Kitten

Natty Dread in Kigali 2012




Well, as first dates go, wasn't bad ;)


Crap. Something has got to be wrong, it was too nice. Seriously, I'm concerned.

So, it wasn't just a music festival, it was a massive concert televised across the whole of Rwanda with stars flying in from Jamaica, one of Bob Marley's best mates (Natty Dread) opening, and the Minister of Culture giving a one minute silence to the memory of Lucky Dube. It was awesome.

Tons of amazing Intore dancing, with around 80 dancers filling the arena, and fireworks. Outstanding night for £1 a ticket!!

Cathryn and Judy were supposed to turn up, but I've no idea if they made it as it was packed. The phone network was locked off. So, it was just me and he grooving on the benches. He was explaining all about the dancing and what people were saying. There was even one part which was sung in yea oldy Kinyarwandery - ancestral Kinya - like Shakespeare is to us, so he couldn't understand all of it. It was used to serenade the King before presenting the spoils of war.

The dancing was outstanding but, halfway through, the back crowd started booing and hissing. JM explained 'they're bored'. I had to laugh at this, it was a veeeeerry long dance and most people were there to see the reggae stars. I suppose it would be a bit like being back in England and subjected to Morris Dancing for two hours straight. The novelty soon wears off lol

Partway through the evening he seemed a bit distracted. When I asked why, he said this guy next to us was insulting another guy in front of us, at which point we entertained ourselves by writing down lists of swear words in Kinyarwanda that I need to go away and learn. I feel it's important to know when people are insulting you ;)

On the way back (along a very, very dark road heaving with people squeezing between moving cars!) a moto driver shouted 'igicucu' at another guy. I understood straight-off, he was shouting 'idiot'! Heeheehee. My lessons are paying off already.

We went for a last drink at Stella on the way home. He lives in Gikondo, which is up the road from me. It used to be a 40p moto ride away, but it's gone up to 70p recently, which sucks as that's the same as town. Expensive :(

He shares with two other friends and usually hangs out at the Pasadena. He spent part of his childhood growing up in Burundi when his family fled during '94, but he has both his parents still and seven brothers and sisters. Most of them have been through, or are still going through, university.

He is very handsome. He has yummy muscles in his arms and he's driven, motivated, intelligent and down-right gorgeous. I've had a lovely night, hope to see him at salsa if not before.

Just can't help feeling a little bothered by all this. It does seem too good. Going to take this veeeeery sloooooowly just in case.

But, eeeep!

It was a lovely night. He's fun to hang out with, which is important. I sent Jo a text at the very beginning, on the moto to Gisozi, saying I was sick with nerves as he was so beautiful. She very wisely replied "Ha excellent. Just make sure he makes you laugh too." I love Jo, no idea what I'll do without her :(

But let's not think on that.

For the time being, I'm going to try and think as little as possible. If I start thinking, I’ll start over analysing - him, her, the whole everybody leaving situation. Best just to ride the wave and see which beach I land on.

What a lovely night :)

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