Sunday 10 August 2008

Behold...The Logo!


All thanks to a Pagan friend, Ricky, who has not only delivered us a logo but also our website! Somewhat impressive and hugely kind-hearted. Going to show it to Rose and the Reverend tomorrow and see what the verdict is. With any luck we'll be turning it into our official stamp on Tuesday. Once we've done that we just fork out for the local Council to stamp the pages of ten copies of our constitution (£1.20 per PAGE!!! C'mon guys!) and away we go! :)

I'm a rather proud bunny at the moment. Rose, the Rev. and I went down Ecobank last Thursday and opened the account :) Hugely exciting. I'm now officially the Acting Treasurer of a Rwandan NGO! Bit scary, but really cool.

Just sitting here chomping on a spag bol made with a packet of sauce powder that Dad sent out and half a mini bottle of red wine which Antonia left. It's not bad, but I'm having to pick the bits of bone and gristle out of the meat. Ndoli's is always a little disappointing in that respect. I think they get their meat from the place next to the factory that puts the stones in rice ;)

It's the first proper meal I've had in a while. I had a ton of chocolate posted out and, disgustingly, I've taken to it as my staple diet. Something like 5-600 Kcal in a bar. If that's all you eat in a day it's still only 1/4 of your daily intake and, as I don't eat much else, that's good going. Except for diabetes and anaemia, I'm sure ;)

Honestly, I feel like I'm playing out Philip Ridley's Pitchfork Disney at times.

Very chilled out day watching Spaced and cuddling the cats, recovering from a slight hangover with a cold beer.

Yesterday was a cool, if slightly bizarre, day. I was supposed to be going to a footie match with JM but, in true Rwandese fashion, he didn't turn up until half an hour before it was due to finish. We got there and I met his brother, who looks a lot like him only shorter. Apparently they get their eyes and nose from their mum's side - very handsome. It was still 0-0 but, just before the end, our side won and the crowd went wild lol

It was interesting, though. The Prime Minister was sitting over the other side of the pitch. After we scored there was some restlessness and booing. JM explained that the fans were concerned because the other team, from Kigali, were in the Rwandan Football Federation and our lot aren't, so they were concerned that they would alter the score at some point to make the Kigali team the winners. I found this open distrust quite fascinating. When time was finally called, all of the fans on our side ran across the pitch, right up to the Prime Minister (amazed you could get so close!), and thanked him for not altering the score! The Prime Minister, Bernard Makuza, by the way, is not the same as Paul Kagame, the President, but is non-the-less very popular.

After we said goodbye to Felix, JM's brother (who plays for that team) we went to High Noon (behind Chez Lando) for a drink. We had a good time and he invited his two housemates to join us: Patrick and Kazan (?). They are absolutely top blokes and thankfully speak good English. We sat getting a little lathered. This waitress comes up. She was talking to Patrick about the last time he'd been there, with a party of people who left an outstanding bill of FRW 3,000 (£3). When she finally left, I pointed out that their body language said they liked each other. JM agreed that you don't spend half an hour discussing £3 worth of bill with someone. Patrick looked really sheepish, so I stepped in as matchmaker and told him to ask her when her day off is and invite her for a drink. He was about to call her over and I said "No, go to her. Don't do it in front of us otherwise she'll feel like we're all watching her."

He had to make the first move because women here aren't allowed to approach a man. But it was so sweet. He went up and chatted to her. She was smiling and chewing her pen. It was obvious they liked each other. When he sat down again he proudly announced that he has a date for Monday lol

My work is done ;)

They asked to pass by my house on the way home. That was cool but I quickly got a bit peeved. It was late, I was tired and kind of wanted to see John on his own. I got a bit pushy and managed to get them out the door.

Well, so much for taking it slow *sigh* Mutzig has a LOT to answer for. I'm not proud of myself... but it was fun ;) Still in a state of confusion. Girlfriends aren't usual here. Apparently he hasn't had one the five years he's been in Kigali, and I lost out to Jesus. He eventually left so that he could get to church at six the next morning! Let's not talk about that for the time being. But it was good, I didn't want him to leave but we're hopefully going to see J (Cathryn's boyfriend) playing at One Love on Tuesday evening. He's promised faithfully that Friday night he's all mine and he'll stay over.

I'm still cautious, but happy. I am coming to terms with the fact that, no matter what you might fantasize sometimes, you're in a whole other world here and people will always remind you of that at the most inopportune moments ;) Roll with it, don't take anything too seriously, try and keep a sense of humour, think Zen. *sigh*

I'm happy. He's happy. Let's see how it pans out. Failing that, I've still got three cats ;)

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