Wednesday 20 August 2008

Jesus – Literally – Is There Nowhere You Can’t Find Them!?

Coffee at the Mille Collines

Ugh. Seemingly nice Deaf guy comes into the office this morning – turns out to be a friggin’ Jehovah’s Witness who starts trying to convert me at work. Practically had to wrestle him out the door *shudder*

“But you are from England! There are lots of Jehovah Witnesses in England, why aren’t you one?”

Sod off.

Why is it people only ever come here offering to help convert people. Why can’t they just come and offer to help?

MTN’s up the spout again. It works at home but not at work. Jo’s having the same problem. I've looked at the situation long and hard and come to the only logical conclusion - MTN suck.

No one in the office again today.

Guy from Electrogaz is now stalking me – five phone calls in two days.

I give up. Must be a Wednesday.

Despite a disappointing start on Monday, the day dramatically improved when my boss finally turned up at just gone five. We had a small committee meeting in which I was much thanked for my efforts in landing the VSO funding and planning the project tasks. I felt rather good after that and the project is looking all set to progress smoothly :)

Tiga and her friend Caroline stayed over Monday night. Caroline’s nice, a German volunteer who’s been here for two years and is now heading home. Tiga’s heading home after this term too, and wondering what to do with her pet rabbit who she rescued from the market. Everyone keeps offering to eat it.

Léon came Monday daytime to say we’re moving offices. The landlady here keeps putting the rent up so he found new premises. Then the new landlord refused to take the money from us. Not sure whether our landlady said something to them about us delaying our rent or whether it’s the reputation still hanging over us since a former colleague ran off with all the cash. Who knows. This morning it seems to have been resolved and Léon’s found a smaller office which we can now move into. It's much cheaper. Not sure what it looks like yet. Apparently it only has one electric point at the moment, but they’re going to put some more in. Bye bye to my private office then :)

Monday night was Mel’s leaving do at Papyrus in Kimihurura. I didn’t make it to Kibuye at the weekend, but I was looking forward to this. I didn’t intend to invite JM but, at the last minute, I sent him a text to see whether he fancied it. He said he’d be there then, just as I arrived, sent a text saying it was a bit late and he’d catch me another time. I pretended not to be annoyed, but wished I’d stuck to the plan and not invited him.

It was a really good turn-out and beautiful surroundings – all sparkly and candlelit. Had a good chat to Mike, our Country Director, Loona, a lady working for the New Times (government propaganda newspaper) and a fascinating three-week volunteer who’s been working at Gisozi training people in Trauma Therapy. He’s also a heart surgeon and a hypnotherapist! Really interesting guy.

Then, all of a sudden, I look up and forget to breathe.

JM is standing there looking totally gorgeous. I completely forget what I’m saying to the guy sitting next to me and grin like a Cheshire cat. He stayed the whole evening and I forgave him everything. Gorgeous, sociable, delicious JM. We walked down to find a moto afterwards and couldn’t keep our hands off each other. My head is totally on straight again. D’s a lovely friend but JM currently rocks my world.

Tuesday was fun, too. Went to the airport for the first time since I landed. It cost FRW 400 to get there by moto and fixed rate 3,000 in a taxi to get back!?? How does that work?

Went to pick up my Couchsurfers. An American couple who live in Japan, got married a couple of weeks ago, and are doing a tour of lots of interesting places. Really cool couple. Went for Ethiopian, then headed into town to the Mille Collines. Tried a mad dash to Gisozi, but they’d just closed, so headed back to mine.

Shue has a new friend.

I had to dash back across town to Rose’s as an official from Gitarama had come up to meet the single parent committee and verify our signatures. The last step in registering the organisation. All brief and smooth and good. D was there again and gave me the most recent copy of Eyecon Magazine, with an interview he did (and I helped proofread) just before he left. It was good to see it in print :)

I arrived back and saw my Couchsurfers heading for Ndoli's, so raced after them as I’d arranged to meet Cathryn and Giudi at Stella for a drink and was going to invite them. Just as I reached Ndoli's, Cathryn and Giudi came out. We all bumped into each other and went for beer and food.

It was a nice evening. Today my Couchsurfers were leaving for Ruhengeri to see the gorillas tomorrow. That's the same tour I’ll be doing in a couple of weeks with Dad & Marilyn. Can’t wait. They’d arranged to meet Jeremy, one of Danny’s guides, outside Chez Lando but, when they opened my gate, his jeep was parked in my drive! He’d guessed they were staying with me, so turned up at the door. It was impressive. I also got a free lift into work this morning, courtesy of Bizidanny Tours lol

Going to chill out tonight, maybe treat myself to a chilli or something. It’s been a fun couple of nights but I'm looking forward to slobbing out. I’ve moved into the spare room as my Couchsurfers are probably coming back via mine in a couple of nights. It’s good practice for when my folks come out. It’s actually a surprisingly okay bed. It seems quieter in there, probably because of the wall outside the window. I'm sleeping really well.

Anyhoo. Just popped home for some food - off to help carry tables at 4pm. The office move is on :)

Lift to work with Bizidanny

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