Thursday 7 August 2008


French Cultural Centre
I hate it.

Feel like I've been ill for ever *sigh* I've got that horrible snot that gives you a really bad taste at the back of your mouth. A couple of friends sent out Polos and Tic Tacs. I've almost finished them all >:o/


Just joined a sudo-VSO FaceBook group called 'But Surely!?' where people exchange travel stories of wonder and surprise at the things some people say/do. It's got me gigglin'.

Today is busy. I'm pootling to VSO to hand in a log of all the pants stuff that's gone on with Electrogaz. Hopefully they can sort it out for me. Then I'm in to town to pay Danny for the Murambi tour, finalise the itinerary for September, and then go to the bank with Rose to try and open an account for our organisation.

An added twist to that story is that MINIJUST, who we register as an NGO with, close in October until next January, so we have to get everything in and finished by then! Any donations hugely welcome! We need to print 10 copies of the constitution and each page has to receive a stamp from the local authority - they charge £1.20 per page just to dip rubber in ink!! Outrageous. But it has to be done. The deadline makes it kind of exciting.

My friend Suzanne also e-mailed an interesting article from The Guardian the other day saying the Rwandan government are going after ex-French cabinet ministers for their stance in the '94 genocide. Could be an interesting development. Jo said that the day the French Ambassador was expelled (shortly before I got here, I think - when the French Cultural Centre and school closed down) there was a big march on the stadium in protest against the French. Several volunteers were asked if they were French, a bit like the night D and I got picked up on the way home.

Probably best I stick to learning Kinya instead of French :op

Exciting event yesterday - the water came on for a full hour in the afternoon! I filled up all three jerry cans and three 4.5ltr bottles. Got enough water now to last out the week, easy. No more rationing the tea.

Also received the full FRW 19,982,400 from VSO - they started the transfer yesterday. Very proud of that as it's based on my hard work. I'm still negotiating with the American Embassy. My colleagues aren't being exactly forthcoming about what's going on there, but they either get the money or they don't, and they had the opportunity to get it because of the application I wrote, so my conscience are clean. I briefed them well. Thankfully, Francois has taken to writing applications now and he's very good at it. I just trawl through and proofread afterwards. I like that system. I don't relish the idea of writing any more applications just yet and funders know if it was written for the organisation by someone else. I am a little bored though. I spend the days twiddling my thumbs and counting the bricks in the wall until funding comes through. We have absolutely nadda at the moment - can't even buy files to set up a filing system.

Still, at least work is rewarding. Parfait came back today after a couple of months in Kenya for his graduation. He walks in, shakes hands, first thing he signs: "Marion, you're looking fat."

Thanks mate, f* off back to Kenya >:o/

I think it's because I was wearing a coat. I certainly haven't gained any weight since he's been away. Martine reckons I've lost a couple of stone since I've been here.

Just received an e-mail from Chabel, the Burundian Interpreter I'm friends with. Once again I have been invited to visit BNAD. I would love to go, however I am currently reading Titanic Express and it's put the fear of God into me. It's about Charlotte Wilson, the Rwandan VSO who was shot with her fiancé when their bus (the Titanic Express) was hijacked en route to Bujumbura. It's harrowing reading, written by her brother.

Chabel writes that there's been another human rights abuse, this time on a Deaf 13-year-old girl accused of stealing clothes. They've burned her hands. BNAD are trying to pursue the case but, along with last February's atrocities, I think the international Deaf community really should get more involved.

On to happier news.

Tuesday night I invited JM over for a bite to eat and a movie. He accepted, but then sent a message saying he had a meeting at 8:30 so needed to leave early. I think I'm still sore from D's lack of attention, so told him not to bother and that I'd see him at salsa. I didn't feel like providing a buffet service. (Yes, yes I know - bitter and twisted - I know, alright! ;) )

Around quarter-to six a couple of guys came knocking, looking for my landlady. I don't have her number, so I suggested they try VSO in the morning. They stood there ogling the muzungu for a while - at which point I got narked and shut the gate.

When there was another knock five minutes later, I didn't even bother opening the gate. I just yanked back the shutter in my 'yes, what do you want!?' fashion and, to my surprise, it was JM!

He decided to come anyway (brave) but did so earlier so that he could spend more time (considerate). So, I did cook and we listened to music and chatted. It was really nice. The meeting was for his friend's wedding this weekend, so he's forgiven. But he neglected to mention that it was his birthday last Monday - just noticed on his Facebook profile.

Heading to salsa tonight, so I will see him there. Can't wait. But, between now and then, I have a holiday to book and a bank account to open :)

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